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This page assumes that you have installed the SWAG database. If not then read the Getting Started topic first.

Not all features apply to every version. A marker such as v0.2.0 will appear before any feature introduced after v0.1.0. The version number indicates the version at which the feature was introduced.

Main Window

Everything in SWAGView is done from the main window. It is split into four parts:

  1. The left hand pane displays a tree view. The top level entries are "categories". Each category contains multiple snippets ("packets" in SWAG terminology), the titles of which are displayed as child nodes of their category.

    To view the packets that belong to a category double-click the category, or select it with the cursor keys and press ENTER or the right arrow key.

    Double click on a packet title, or select it and press ENTER, to display it.

    When you open a category for the first time there will be a slight delay while the program loads the required packet titles from the database. A category's packets have been loaded if the expand icon is displayed to the left of the category name in the tree view.

  2. The right hand pane shows the content of a packet that has been chosen in the tree view. The packet will either be Pascal source code or plain text.

    You can read the packet or select some or all of the text to copy to the clipboard.

  3. The pane at the top of the window contains the following buttons, from left to right:

    • Update SWAG Database... (or Install SWAG Database... if the SWAG database has not yet been installed).

      Use this button to install or update the database. Regardless of the button caption the same dialogue box is used, and the process is the same as that described in the Getting Started topic.

    • v0.2.0 Copy Packet

      This button is enabled once a packet has been displayed in the right hand pane. Clicking the button copies the currently displayed packet to the clipboard, along with some meta data about the packet. The packet is copied in plain text format ready for pasting into any text editor or IDE.

      Keyboard shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+C

    • Help

      Displays this online help.

      v0.2.0 Keyboard shortcut: F1

    v0.2.0 Each button can be activated from the keyword in the usual windows way, by pressing and holding the Alt key and then pressing the underlined letter in the button caption.

    Information about the program and SWAG database versions is displayed at the right hand side of the pane.

  4. The pane at the bottom of the window displays brief hints about navigating the tree view.

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