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HTML Resource Compiler

Compiles HTML, JS, image files etc. into RT_HTML resources

Version 1.3.1
Released 2024-09-03
O/S Windows 7 SP1 and later


HTML Resource Compiler (or HTMLRes) is a simple command line application for creating 32 bit binary resource files that contain HTML code that can be displayed using Internet Explorer's res:// protocol. For details on how to use the protocol see my article "How to create and use HTML resource files".

The application takes a list of HTML and related support files and copies the content of each file into a separate HTML resource within a binary resource file. Each resource has the same name as the source file. This makes porting standard HTML files to embedded resources very easy – and it is something that Borland's BRCC32 resource compiler won't allow!

The program can either insert or update existing resources in a pre-existing file or it can overwrite the whole file.

HTMLRes is particularly useful for embedding HTML files in the executable file of programs that display information using Delphi's TWebBrowser control. Including HTML files in the program's resources means that is is not necessary to distribute the HTML files separately.


This program is hosted on GitHub in the delphidabbler/htmlres repository. The program can be downloaded from the repository's Releases tab.

Each release gives the option of downloading either the programs's installer or the source code. Your options are:

  • Choose to download a zip file containing the program. Extract the content of the .zip file. The included read-me file (ReadMe.txt) explains how to install and the program.
  • Choose Source to download the source code in .zip format.
  • Choose Source code.tar.gz to download the source code as a g-zipped tarball.

Get v1.3.1 from GitHub


The following documentation is available. All of it opens on GitHub.

Bugs & Feature Requests

If you find any bugs or want to suggest a new feature please use the GitHub project's issue tracker. You can browse existing issues to see if a similar one has already been raised. If so please add any further information as comments. If there is no similar issue please raise new one.

You will need a GitHub account if you want to create or edit an issue.