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Creates files of a specified size filled with garbage bytes.

Version 0.4.0
Released 2024-08-31
O/S Windows 7 SP1 & later


GBG is a 32 bit & 64 bit Windows command line program that creates files of a specified size, filled with pseudo-random Garbage bytes.

Files between 0 and 2GiB in size can be generated, although for file sizes greater than 500,000,000 bytes the user must either confirm the operation or specify a command line option to ignore the size check.

Files up to 10MiB in size are generated with random bytes. Files larger than 10MiB have the first 10MiB bytes generated randomly, but then that same 10MiB pattern is repeated as many times as necessary. If the requested file size is zero then an empty file is created.

Example of use:

gbg sample2MiB.dat 2,097,152

Creates a file named sample2MiB.dat that is 2Mib (= 2,097,152 bytes) in size.

There are other options available that can generate random ASCII characters, for example. For more information about on how to use the program see the Read Me Markdown file on GitHub.

GBG is copyright © 2024 by Peter Johnson. The program and its source code are released under the terms of the MIT License.


This program is hosted on GitHub in the delphidabbler/gbg repository. The program can be downloaded from the repository's Releases tab.

Each release gives the option of downloading either the programs's executable code or the source code. Your options are:

  • Choose to download a zip file containing the both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of the program. The 64 bit program is named GBG.exe while the 32 bit version is named GBG32.exe. Which version you choose depends on whether you are running Windows 64 bit or 32 bit. There is no installer. Just extract the desired program's .exe from the .zip file and copy it to a folder on your system. It can be run from there.
  • Choose Source to download the source code in .zip format.
  • Choose Source code.tar.gz to download the source code as a g-zipped tarball.

Get v0.4.0 from GitHub


The following documentation is available. All of it opens on GitHub.

Bugs & Feature Requests

You can report bugs or suggest new features using the GBG issue tracker on GitHub.

Please review existing bug reports and feature requests before creating a new issue. If an issue already exists you may be able to help by adding a further comment.

You will need a GitHub account if you want to create or edit an issue.