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File Date Comparison Utility

Compares the last modification date of two files

Version 2.2.0
Released 2024-08-27
O/S Windows 7 SP1 & later


This console application compares the last modification dates of two files whose names are passed on the command line and returns an exit code that indicates the result.

The type of comparison required can be customised. The program can compare either the last modification date or the creation date of files. In the case of shortcut files either the date of the shortcut file itself or that of the file it references can be compared.


This program is hosted on GitHub in the ddabapps/compfiledate repository. The program can be downloaded from the repository's Releases tab. Both 64 and 32 bit versions of the program are available.

The program is no longer available from SourceForge.

Each release gives the option of downloading either the program in executable format or the source code. Your options are:

  • The program comes packaged in a zip file. There are different zip files for the 32 bit and 64 bit versions. You should choose the 64 bit version unless you are running 32 bit Windows in which case choose to download Extract the content of the chosen .zip file. The included read-me file, README.txt (plain text), explains how to install and use the program.
  • Choose Source to download the source code in .zip format.
  • Choose Source code.tar.gz to download the source code as a g-zipped tarball.

Get v2.2.0 from GitHub


The following documentation is available. All the links open on GitHub.

Bugs & Feature Requests

If you find any bugs or want to suggest a new feature please use the GitHub project's issue tracker. You can browse existing issues to see if a similar one has already been raised. If so please add any further information as comments. If there is no similar issue please raise new one.

You will need a GitHub account if you want to create or edit an issue.