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Pascal Syntax Highlighter

Command line program to syntax highlighte for Pascal code.

Version 2.2.1
Released 2022-08-29
O/S Windows 2000 & later


PasHi command line program

PasHi is a fully featured command line program that highlights Pascal source code. It reads the original source code from standard input, files or the clipboard and writes the highlighted code as HTML to standard output, a file, or the clipboard.

Screenshot of PAsHiGUI program

HTML 4, XHTML and HTML 5 are all supported. CSS is used for styling. Style sheets may be external or can be embedded in the HTML document. Several predefined style sheets may be installed with the program. You can also create your own.

PasHi can either generate complete HTML documents or just fragments of HTML code. Output files can be in UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252 format.

HTML fragments make it easy to embed highlighted code in existing web pages. Web page authors simply need to ensure that the necessary CSS classes are available. The easiest way to do this is to use an external style sheet.

The ability to highlight code via the clipboard is the program's most unique feature and it makes PasHi very easy to use. You simply copy the required source code to the clipboard and run PasHi with the necessary parameters. The highlighted code will replace the original source on the clipboard ready for pasting into a document. This is particularly useful when combined with the option that creates HTML fragments because it simplifies writing documents that contain several Pascal source examples.

Optional GUI

PasHiGUI, an optional GUI front end for PasHi, is included in the release. This provides a point and click interface to PasHi. Most, but not all, of PasHi's command line options are supported. Files and text can be dragged and dropped onto the GUI to highlight them.

User guide

A user guide is installed with the program that explains the usage of the program and all its parameters. The user guide also has an explanation of the CSS classes required by PasHi-generated HTML. If PasHiGUI is installed the user guide can be displayed from PasHiGUI's help menu.

You can also view the user guide by clicking the link in the Download section below.


This program is hosted on GitHub in the delphidabbler/pashi repository. The program can be downloaded from the repository's Releases tab.

Each release gives the option of downloading either the program's installer in executable format or the source code. Your options are:

  • Choose to download a zip file containing the program's installer. Extract the content of the .zip file and run the installer. Included in the zip file is ReadMe.txt that, among other things, explains how to install and use the program.
  • Choose Source to download the source code in .zip format.
  • Choose Source code.tar.gz to download the source code as a g-zipped tarball.

Get v2.2.1 from GitHub


The following documentation is available. All the links open on GitHub.

Bugs & Feature Requests

If you find any bugs or want to suggest a new feature please use the GitHub project's issue tracker. You can browse existing issues to see if a similar one has already been raised. If so please add any further information as comments. If there is no similar issue please raise new one.

You will need a GitHub account if you want to create or edit an issue.