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How to create and use HTML resource files



Article #2 noted the benefits of embedding data within your program's executable file or within a DLL. Often this is preferable to supplying a lot of separate support files that the user can accidentally alter or delete. The same principle applies to HTML and related files displayed by your application in a TWebBrowser control.

In fact Microsoft® have encouraged this by creating the res:// protocol. This is used by TWebBrowser and Internet Explorer to access HTML etc. files that are stored in a module's resources. This protocol makes it very easy to navigate to HTML resources using the TWebBrowser control.

Accessing HTML resources from the browser

When displaying data from embedded resources we usually have to do some work – we have to read the data out of resources and display it in a suitable control (see article #3). However, with TWebBrowser, Microsoft® has made things easier for us. All we have to do is specify where to find the resource by using the special res:// protocol URL. The browser will extract the data from the resource and display it as it would a conventional file.

This approach works in both the TWebBrowser control and by typing the res:// protocol URLs directly into the Internet Explorer location bar.

By way of an example, the following screenshot shows Internet Explorer displaying one of the web pages included in the resources of this article's demo program.

IE showing a HTML resource from the demo program
Image 1

To replicate this you must first compile the demo program then enter the following URL in Internet Explorer's location bar:

res://[Path to Demo]\Article10.exe/INDEX_PAGE

Where [Path to Demo] is the full path to the demo program. Strictly speaking you should "escape" any backslash, space, hash ("#") and colon characters in the path – see Making res:// protocol URLs safe below for details. If you copy the URL from the demo program it will already be escaped.

What is more, if a document is loaded from a res:// URL, that URL becomes the browser's base URL. This means that any relative links in the document refer back into the resources. We can get the same effect by setting a document's <base> address to a res:// URL.

Understanding the res:// protocol


Valid res:// protocol URLs have the form:


where the segments of the URL have the following meanings:

The name of the module (DLL or executable program) containing the resource. The full path to the module is required, unless it is on the search path.
An optional segment that specifies the resource type identifier. If the segment is omitted the resource type is assumed to be RT_HTML.
The resource name identifier.

About resource identifiers

An attribute of Windows® resource names and resource types is that they can either be identified by a character string or by a numeric value.

When specifying resource identifiers in URLs we must obviously represent both kinds as strings, but we must also be able to distinguish between the two different kinds. Numeric identifiers are flagged by prepending a "#" character to the decimal value of the identifier. For example the RT_HTML resource type would be represented as "#23". String identifiers are represented literally.

Making res:// protocol URLs safe

We have to be careful when entering a res:// protocol URL into the browser bar, or when embedding the URL as an attribute of a HTML tag such as the <a> tag. The URL must not include "special characters". Any such characters need to be replaced by URL escape characters.

In particular, since our res:// protocol URL may contain a path to the module that holds the required resource, we need to escape any back-slashes and spaces in the path. Additionally, since numeric resource identifiers begin with a "#" character, and these have special meaning in a URL, it may be wise to escape these too.

For example this URL:

res://C:\Program Files\MyModule.dll/#42

would be escaped as:


The escape codes used are: %3A (":"), %5C ("\"), %20 (space) and %23 ("#").

Generating res:// protocol URLs from Delphi


When developing an application that uses the web browser control, we may need to build res:// protocol URLs programatically. In this section we present the code to do this.

Resource identifiers

Recall that resource names and resource types can be either strings or have a numeric value. In code both kinds of resource identifier are represented by a PChar value. When the identifier is a string the PChar value points to the required string of characters. For numeric identifiers the high order word of the pointer is zero and the loworder word contains the value. In a URL we know that the numeric indentifier is a series of digits preceded by a # symbol.

Our job is to develop a Delphi function that transforms a resource identifier referenced by a PChar into an appropriately formatted string for use in a URL. Listing 1 shows a solution:

  1function FormatResNameOrType(ResID: PChar): string;
  3  if HiWord(LongWord(ResID)) = 0 then
  4    // high word = 0 => numeric resource id
  5    // numeric value is stored in low word
  6    Result := Format('#%d', [LoWord(LongWord(ResID))])
  7  else
  8    // high word <> 0 => string value
  9    // PChar is implicitly converted to string
 10    Result := ResID;
Listing 1

We simply test the resource identifier pointer's high word to see if it is zero. If so we return the value of the low word preceeded by #. Otherwise we return the resource identifier unchanged. Delphi silently converts the result to the compiler's default string type.

URL encoding

Earlier we discussed the need to escape special characters in ares:// protocol URL. The simple function presented in Listing 2 takes the safest possible approach and escapes all characters that are neither alphanumeric nor one of "-", "_" or ".". Conditional compilation is used to test membership correctly depending on if an ANSI or Unicode version of Delphi is being used.

  1function URLEncode(const S: string): string;
  3  Idx: Integer; // loops thru characters in string
  5  Result := '';
  6  for Idx := 1 to Length(S) do
  7  begin
  9    if CharInSet(S[Idx], ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '-', '_', '.']) then
 10    {$ELSE}
 11    if S[Idx] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '-', '_', '.'] then
 12    {$ENDIF}
 13      Result := Result + S[Idx]
 14    else
 15      Result := Result + '%' + IntToHex(Ord(S[Idx]), 2);
 16  end;
Listing 2

Building the URL

We now move on to take a look at two overloaded functions that can create a res:// protocol URL.

Both functions take a reference to a module, a resource name and an optional resource type as parameters. If the resource type parameter is omitted, or is nil, it is not included in the URL and a resource type of RT_HTML will be assumed.

The routines differ in how they handle the module component of the URL. The first function (Listing 3) is passed the module file name as a string while the second routine (Listing 4) takes a handle to the required module. First we will consider the function that accepts the module name as a string:

  1function MakeResourceURL(const ModuleName: string; const ResName: PChar;
  2  const ResType: PChar = nil): string; overload;
  4  Assert(ModuleName <> '');
  5  Assert(Assigned(ResName));
  6  Result := 'res://' + URLEncode(ModuleName);
  7  if Assigned(ResType) then
  8    Result := Result + '/' + URLEncode(FormatResNameOrType(ResType));
  9  Result := Result + '/' + URLEncode(FormatResNameOrType(ResName));
Listing 3

This function records the protocol name and appends the name of the module to it. It then appends the resource type if specified and finally adds the resource name. URL segments are separated by slash characters. Notice how we call FormatResNameOrType to get the resource type and resource name identifiers and we use URLEncode to ensure each segment of the URL is URL safe.

The second form of the function is for use with loaded modules. Such modules are identified by means of their module handle rather than by name, as shown in Listing 4:

  1function MakeResourceURL(const Module: HMODULE; const ResName: PChar;
  2  const ResType: PChar = nil): string; overload;
  4  Result := MakeResourceURL(GetModuleName(Module), ResName, ResType);
Listing 4

This function simply gets the name of the module by calling the SysUtils unit's GetModuleName function. It then calls the other overloaded function, passing it the module name.

Defining RT_HTML

RT_HTML is a constant that denotes an HTML resource. Unlike other RT_* constants it is not defined in Delphi 7. If needed, the constant should be defined as follows:

  2  RT_HTML = MakeIntResource(23);
Listing 5

How to create HTML resources

Creating resource file source code

Although you can embed and access HTML and related files as RCDATA or any other user-defined resource type, it is recommended that they are stored as resource type #23 (RT_HTML). Any type of file that can be displayed in a browser can legitimately be included under this resource type. If you have access to a resource compiler, the easiest way to create a resource file containing HTML resources is as follows:

  1. Assemble the required assets

    Gather together all the files you wish to include in the resource file in a convenient location.

  2. Create a resource source file

    Create the resource source (.rc) file. This file tells resource compiler which files to include in the resource and what resource names types to use for them. The compiler embeds the files in the resource file Here is an example source file:

    /* standard resource # for HTML */
    #define HTML 23
    /* include all resource from external files */
    TIPS_HTML      HTML    "tips.html"
    HELP_HTML      HTML    "help.html"
    LEFTARROW_GIF  HTML    "left-arrow.gif"
    RIGHTARROW_GIF HTML    "right-arrow.gif"
    FILL_GIF       HTML    "fill.gif"
    HELP_GIF       HTML    "help.gif"
    TIPS_JS        HTML    "tips.js"
    STYLE_CSS      HTML    "style.css"
    Listing 6
  3. Compile the source file

    Use a resource compiler such as Borland's BRCC32 to compile the source file. The following command line instructs BRCC32 to compile a source file, HTML.rc, into a binary resource file named HTML.res:

    BRCC32 -fo"HTML.res" HTML.rc

    We assume that the source file is in the current directory and the compiler is on the path. If you don't have a suitable resource compiler then .res files can be generated programmatically – article #2 explains – or you can use my open source HTML resource file compiler.

  4. Link the resource file into your application or DLL.

    In Delphi we link the resource by adding the following line to a project file or to a convenient unit. For the example given above we would use:

    {$R HTML.res}

Using better resource names

You may find it helpful to name resources with file-like names. Doing this will make it easier to migrate an existing series of interlinked HTML files to resources (providing the files are all in the same directory). Why? because the existing local links in the file will still work after the move!

For example, suppose you have an application that displays local files from a single directory in a TWebBrowser control. Assume the directory contains the following files:

  • index.html
  • page1.html
  • page2.html
  • logo.gif

Each HTML file displays the logo and so contains an <img> tag such as:

<img src="logo.gif" ... />
Listing 8

Additionally, index.html contains a relative link to both page1.html and page2.html thus:

<a href="page1.html">Page 1</a><br />
<a href="page2.html">Page 2</a>
Listing 9

You now decide to store the pages within your program's HTML resources and display them using the res:// protocol. Suppose you decided to give an arbitrary name to each resource as follows:

INDEX_PAGE  23   "index.html"
PAGE_1      23   "page1.html"
PAGE_2      23   "page2.html"
LOGO_GIF    23   "logo.gif"
Listing 10

To get your program working again you will need to track down every link and change it to reference the new resource name rather than the old file name. For example, each of the logo <img> tags will have to be changed to:

<img src="LOGO_GIF" ... />
Listing 11

This is obviously prone to error. A far better way would be to name the resources with the same name as the original file, i.e.:

index.html  23   "index.html"
page1.html  23   "page1.html"
page2.html  23   "page2.html"
logo.gif    23   "logo.gif"
Listing 12

Using this scheme all the original links will continue to work unchanged. Of course this technique only works if all the files are in the same directory.

Problems with BRCC32

There's always a gotcha somewhere isn't there? The BRCC32 resource compiler that ships with Delphi refuses to compile any resource file that has dots in any of its resource names. This means that the naming scheme proposed above is useless for those of us who use BRCC32.

To get round the above problem I have written HTML resource compiler, a command line application that can compile HTML resource files. This compiler automatically names each resource after its associated file.

I have never used the Microsoft® RC compiler so can't comment on whether or not it will work in this situation. If you know please please open an issue on GitHub (GitHub account required) and let me know so I can update the article.


In this article we have investigated how to use the Internet Explorer (and hence TWebBrowser) specific res:// protocol to view HTML content stored in a module's resources. We first looked at how to access a HTML resource from Internet Explorer. We then examined the component parts of a res:// protocol URL before showing how to generate such URLs from Delphi code. The article ended by demonstrating how to create HTML resource files and observed that naming HTML resources after the original file can at times be useful.

Demo program

A demo program to accompany this article can be found in the delphidabbler/article-demos Git repository on GitHub.

You can view the code in the article-10 sub-directory. Alternatively download a zip file containing all the demos by going to the repository's landing page and clicking the Clone or download button and selecting Download ZIP.

The demo can be used to test and exercise the code presented here. See the demo's file for details.

This source code is merely a proof of concept and is intended only to illustrate this article. It is not designed for use in its current form in finished applications. The code is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

The demo is open source. See the demo's file for licensing details.

If you need further demo code, the HTML Resource Compiler comes with sample HTML files and a Delphi project to create a DLL containing only RT_HTML resources. These resources can be displayed in Internet Explorer by using the res:// protocol.

Further reading

The following articles on this site deal with resources in general:


I hope you found this article useful.

If you have any observations, comments, or have found any errors there are two places you can report them.

  1. For anything to do with the article content, but not the downloadable demo code, please use this website's Issues page on GitHub. Make sure you mention that the issue relates to "article #10".
  2. For bugs in the demo code see the article-demo project's file for details of how to report them.